Measurement & Analysis Lasers

What are Measurement and Analysis Lasers?

Measurement & Analysis Lasers are specialized laser systems commonly used in the research and biophotonics markets for a wide range of applications. These lasers, typically operating in continuous wave (CW) mode, offer high precision and accuracy in measuring and analyzing various physical and chemical properties of materials. While catering to applications like dynamic light scattering, infrared absorption spectroscopy, laser Doppler velocimetry, DIAL LIDAR, and photoluminescence, Measurement & Analysis Lasers find utility in diverse research fields such as physics, chemistry, atmospheric science, and materials science. They play a crucial role in obtaining precise data, performing detailed analysis, and characterizing materials for a deeper understanding of their properties and behaviors. These lasers serve as indispensable tools for scientists and researchers engaged in a broad spectrum of studies and investigations.

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Measurement & Analysis Applications

Dynamic Light Scattering Lasers: Dynamic light scattering is a method for determining the size of particles suspended in a solution. This process utilizes the inherent Brownian motion of particles in solution, by looking at the temporal variations in laser light scattered off of these particles. Dynamic light scattering lasers must have a high quality TEM00 beam profile, narrow linewidth (SLM), and a stabilized wavelength.

DIAL Lasers: Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) is a method which allows for stand-off detection of aerosols and gasses in the atmosphere.  In this application, two different lasers sources are used, one which matches an absorption band of the molecule of interest and one which is slightly outside of that band. Because of the wide variety of deployment methods, DIAL lasers are also varied widely from low powered diodes to high powered fiber lasers (typically CW, SLM, single-mode).

Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy Lasers: Infrared absorption spectroscopy takes advantage of the fact that all covalently bonded molecules have vibrational absorption bands whose energy corresponds to infrared wavelengths with overtones in the near infrared. Depending on the set-up, infrared absorption spectroscopy lasers can either be fixed wavelength or tunable but in either case; they must be wavelength stabilized to assure accurate and repeatable results (typically CW, SLM, single-mode, IR).

Laser Doppler Velocimetry Lasers: Laser Doppler Velocimetry is a method for measuring the velocity of transparent, or semi-transparent fluids.  This process relies on a shift in frequency of the output beam to calculate the speed at which the fluid is moving. Since this change in frequency tends to be relatively small, it is essential that the laser source is highly coherent and stable. For this reason, single-frequency continuous-wave laser sources are ideal (typically CW SLM, single-mode, UV, green, IR).

Photoluminescence Lasers: Photoluminescence is a broad term for exciting light emission from a material utilizing a short-wavelength light source as the excitation source. Photoluminescence lasers are typically laser diodes or ns pulsed DPSS lasers, emitting short wavelengths in the UV or Blue spectral regions, utilized for measuring a semiconductor’s bandgap, for example.

Recommended Laser Series

We recommend the following laser series options for Measurement & Analysis applications. There can often be a ton of options and many variables. Contact us today for help finding the perfect laser for your specific application!

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FL-P Series

1um 1.5um Pulsed Fiber LasersThe FL-P series of pulsed fiber lasers is manufactured to Telcordia standards and is suitable for various applications with average powers up to 5W at 1um and 1.5um, peak powers up to 25kW, and pulse widths in the range of 400ps to 50ns. Available in both OEM and Turnkey formats, this series offers a variety of standard and custom configurations. Available options include pulse monitoring, int/ext triggering, TTL or LVDS input signals, extended operating temperature range, and a robust design.

Matchbox Series

R1Z4-Matchbox Laser

The Matchbox series offers excellent performance and reliability in the “World’s Smallest” ultra-compact, all-in-one, integrated laser head. They can operate on a 5V power supply while maintaining low noise operation. The monolithic design of the Matchbox Series laser includes thermally stabilized optics in a hermetically sealed housing, ensuring reliable and maintenance-free operation. This series is available in wavelengths from 405 nm thru 1064nm, with options for collimated beam or fiber-coupled output, and single-mode and multimode versions.

Aero Series

The Aero Series is a high-energy, nanosecond pulsed DPSS laser, available at 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, with up to 10W output power at 1064 (up to 200 mJ with water-cooling). This series provides unparalleled precision and accuracy in even the most challenging environments, ideal for LIBS, spectroscopy, and atmospheric LIDAR applications. All models come enclosed in an air-cooled, extremely compact and ruggedized, thermo-mechanically stable, low SWaP single unit platform, with options for air- or water-cooling, a range of add-ons, and even complete customization to fit your exact needs. Upon request, customized models undergo severe vibration and qualification tests for operation in space.

CEUV Series

R0Z2-Image-Compact-Efficient-UV-LaserThe CEUV series is a commercial line of compact and efficient DPSS laser sources, capable of operating over a wide range of pulsing conditions (duty-cycle and PRF), in a low SWaP package, with average power up to ≈5W @ 266nm, 10W @ 355nm or 532nm, 20W @ 1064nm. This series of DPSS lasers provides a combination of compact, efficient, and high-power performance in a rugged design suitable for harsh environments and airborne applications. The design has been tested in brassboard hardware and a prototype is being developed.

LGK Series

The LGK series of HeNe laser modules boast an excellent TEM00 beam, robust mechanical design, a long service life of up to 30,000 hours, and are available in 543, 594, and 632.8nm wavelengths, with output powers up to 20mW. Choose between standard and customized models, with options for single or multimode, random or linear polarization, Brewster window tubes, and fiber coupling. Designed for long life, low noise, and high stability, with many customization options, these HeNe lasers are perfect for spectroscopy, interferometry, holography, and more!

Iris Series

rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing

The Iris Series is a line of low SWaP, air-cooled, nanosecond pulsed DPSS lasers at 447nm (blue) and 671nm (red), designed for air-to-ground & air-to-sea LIDAR, aerosol detection, and communications (blue wavelength’s exhibit high transmission through water and clouds), medical applications, and special marking applications. The Iris Series offers powerful and flexible lasers. With adjustable pulse width (15-50 ns) and rep. rate (50-100 kHz), an easily integrated, compact, all-in-one design, and optional add-ons, these lasers are ready to tackle demanding applications.

Lampo Series

Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickersThe Lampo Series is a line of compact ultrafast lasers that deliver megawatt-level ps laser pulses at a selectable PRR from 50 kHz to 40 MHz. Available in IR (1064 nm), SHG (532 nm), and Deep-UV (266 nm) versions (355nm by request), the series offers pulse durations < 70 ps and average power up to 20W, 10W, and 1.5W respectively. With pulse energy up to 250uJ, 150uJ, and 30uJ, these lasers are ideal for a wide range of scientific, industrial, defense, medical, biological, and LIDAR applications. Built into a rugged, air-cooled single-unit laser head, these lasers are easy to operate and integrate, making them a valuable tool for sophisticated laser systems and lab applications.

LaserBoxx SLM Series

The LaserBoxx-SLM series of SLM CW DPSS & diode laser modules are available in wavelengths from 532-1064 nm, delivering ultra-narrow line widths with excellent temperature stability and low noise current. Embedded firmware locks the laser on the same mode at each startup. This customizable, compact laser module is available in turn-key or OEM versions, with GUI for remote operation & diagnostics via USB, RS232, or direct I/O interface, with modulation capabilities and adjustable power options.

LDX Series

The LDX Series of made-in-the-US, high-power, multimode laser diodes provide wavelengths from 400nm – 1900nm, a wide range of output powers and package types, as well as completely customized solutions. We have been offering these high-quality laser diodes for over 25 years. The performance, reliability, and lifetimes are time tested, and if for some reason there is an issue, we will make it right. 

LGR Series

The LGR series of HeNe laser replacement tubes provide unparalleled performance for a wide range of applications, have a robust mechanical design, excellent beam quality, and a long service life of up to 30,000 hours. Standard and customized models are available at 632.8nm with output powers up to 10 mW and options for side line suppression, polarization switching elimination, two longitudinal modes, magnetic field stability up to 3 G, and split frequency versions. These advanced options provide versatility for a range of sophisticated and high-precision scientific applications.

Nimbus Series

rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing

The Nimbus Series is a line of highly compact, air-cooled (water-cooled option), short nanosecond (770 nm) and picosecond (1064 nm) pulsed DPSS lasers with high peak power & high energy pulses, designed for photoacoustic flow cytometry (PAFC), but also useful for LIDAR, material processing, and medical applications. NIR wavelengths provide increased tissue penetration, and particularly at 770 nm, the Nimbus is perfect for photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photobiomodulation (PBM) applications. Low pulse jitter reduces variations in trigger delay, and stable energy output ensures consistent results for measurement or processing. 

R Series

R Series

The R series of wavelength-stabilized single-mode and multimode laser diodes offer narrow linewidth output in wavelengths from 633nm thru 1064nm, with output powers up to 5 W. This highly customizable series offers package options ranging from components as basic as a TO-56 or 14-pin BF packaged diodes to OEM modules, including electronics, to UL/CE and IEC-certified turn-key systems. The R series is the perfect source for various markets, including chemical analysis, bio-medical, fiber laser, and scientific applications.

REP Series

The REP series includes high-performance, tunable, single-frequency (DFB-like) diode lasers and Fabry-Perot laser diodes in wavelengths from 760nm thru 2350nm, designed to address challenges in Gas Sensing, LIDAR, Spectroscopy, and Telecom. The REP series includes high-power and narrow linewidth options, covering various product ranges at the most popular wavelengths, providing customizable units with multiple packaging options, including the Fiber coupled 14-pin butterfly, TO39 (w/TEC), and TO56.

UniMir Series

mirSense UniMir HHLThe uniMir Series is a long-wavelength, single-frequency, DFB, CW Quantum Cascade Laser based on proprietary technology. The technology’s versatility allows them to address various wavelengths between ≈ 10-14um and 17-19um. Now commercially available in a sealed High Heat Load (HHL) package, with integrated collimating lens, thermistor, and thermoelectric cooler (TEC), well suited for integration into systems, or as a stand-alone turnkey system for R&D and detection applications.

VaryDisk Series

The VaryDisk Series is a versatile family of thin-disk laser systems that provide high pulse energies at high average powers and are suitable for lab or industrial use. These thin-disk regenerative amplifiers offer a range of output specifications to fit various application needs. The base configurations provide 25 W average power with 2.5 mJ pulse energy @ 343 nm (THG), 50 W and 5 mJ @ 515 nm (SHG), and 100W and 100 mJ @ 1030 nm.