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Author: Dmicke

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in Biomedical Applications

The popularity of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been rapidly growing since its introduction in the 1960s, and is now used in industrial, military, scientific, and medical applications.  Nowadays LIBS is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool for elemental analysis and is generally viewed as a complementary technique to other elemental methods such as mass spectrometry.  Within the medical field, LIBS can be used for analyzing hard/calcified tissues, soft tissues, biomedical specimens; as well as disease detection and even during laser-guided surgery.  In this application note, we will explore these uses of LIBS in the medical/biomedical application space, by taking a look at some of the common applications as well as both laser and system requirements.  It is important to note that … Read More

Multi-Mode vs Single-Mode Lasers for Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is one of the fastest growing and most diverse applications in all of laser spectroscopy.  As a result, it can be rather challenging at times to sift through the wide-ranging laser options all being marketed for Raman spectroscopy.  In this application note we will tackle one of the most common questions that arises when picking a laser for Raman spectroscopy; “Should I chose a single-spatial mode or multi-spatial mode laser for my application?”  On the surface, this seems like a simple question since Raman is a nonlinear optical effect and therefore the tighter the beam can be focused the higher the conversion efficiency.  Seemingly a single-mode laser would be preferable, but in practice there are other factors that can complicate … Read More

Laser Source Requirements for Modern Laser Designator Systems

Combat zones can be extremely chaotic. With a massive influx of sensory input, implementing clear communication, rugged tools, and reliable instrumentation is key to a successful mission. One of the most challenging tasks in any aerial combat situation is determining which assets on the ground to target and which ones to avoid. This determination is particularly challenging when enemy assets are camouflaged or hidden amongst civili… Read More

How to Improve Laser Diode Lifetime! Advice and Precautions on Mounting

Laser diodes have increased in output power and the increased power means added waste heat to contend with. The mounting or heatsinking of the laser package is of tremendous importance because operating temperature has a strong influence on laser lifetime and performance. Achieving correct mounting or heatsinking of the laser package effectively is not as simple as many would assume. This article will discuss the various package types and the best practices for ensuring the laser diode is mounted correctly. Making sure the laser diode is mounted correctly will ensure the best performance and longest … Read More

Multi-Wavelength Laser Sources for Multi-Color Fluorescence Microscopy

Multi-color fluorescence microscopy is a widely used technique to generate multi-spectral images of cells and other small objects for identifying the spatial distribution of molecules of interest in complex heterogeneous samples. In this article, we explore the history of fluorescence microscopy, with a heavy emphasis on the importance of utilizing multiple fluorophores (tags) in the same measurement. This article will further go on to explain that to alleviate the challenges of integrating multiple lasers into a single microscope, RPMC Lasers offers the LaserBoxx LXCc Combiner from Oxxius, in which up to seven different lasers can be dichroicly beam combined and coupled into a single-mode fiber op… Read More

CW Solid State Laser Sources for the Life Sciences: An Introduction to selecting a laser module for your experiment or instrument.

As lasers become more commonplace in many applications within the life sciences, including Super Resolution Imaging, Confocal Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, DNA Sequencing, and Optogenetics, many times the engineer or researcher knows the key parameters needed, but has difficulties sorting out the less important parameters. This could have a significant impact on cost, the experiment, or overall performance of the system. We will present the basic CW laser module characteristics required for Life Science applications and how to define the specifications to insure you get the right laser for your application. Whether you are a researcher working on an experiment or an engineer developing an instrument for one of these applications, understanding the laser source is critical for you… Read More