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HeNe Lasers VS Diode Lasers: HeNe Laser Pros and Cons

Historically, Helium-Neon (HeNe) lasers were often the first choice for precision instrumentation, measurement setups and some spectroscopy applications. It was invented in 1960 and technologically it was one of the first lasers with extraordinary good parameters. The mechanical and optical design is quite simple (apart from sophisticated glasswork to make the tube itself) but the gas lasing medium and overall construction provide some intrinsic advantages. But also a number of disadv… Read More

Laser Alignment: HeNe Lasers, Methods, and Helpful Tips

Laser alignment can be a challenging task, but aligning a laser beam doesn’t have to be as complicated as it might seem with the right tools and proper techniques. Multiple tried-and-true methods have been developed over the years, utilized by technicians and engineers to simplify the alignment process. With the development of these methods, along with some tips and tricks, you don’t need to be a laser expert to perform your alignments with relative ease, ensuring your laser path is right where you want it to be and your beam is on target e… Read More

The Influence of Laser Wavelength on Raman Spectroscopy

As discussed in previous posts, Raman spectroscopy is a rapidly growing analytical technique used in a wide variety of industries for material identification, but with so many different laser options it can be somewhat challenging to understand which laser is best for which application. To help elevate some of the confusion around this issue, we released an application note this past August titled “Multi-Mode vs. Single-Mode Lasers for Raman Spectr… Read More

Multi-Mode vs Single-Mode Lasers for Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is one of the fastest growing and most diverse applications in all of laser spectroscopy.  As a result, it can be rather challenging at times to sift through the wide-ranging laser options all being marketed for Raman spectroscopy.  In this application note we will tackle one of the most common questions that arises when picking a laser for Raman spectroscopy; “Should I chose a single-spatial mode or multi-spatial mode laser for my application?”  On the surface, this seems like a simple question since Raman is a nonlinear optical effect and therefore the tighter the beam can be focused the higher the conversion efficiency.  Seemingly a single-mode laser would be preferable, but in practice there are other factors that can complicate … Read More

Flow Cytometry Laser Source: How to Choose a Laser Combiner

As discussed in a previous blog post, flow cytometry is an extremely valuable methodology employed by scientists around the world for analyzing individual cells via fluorescence tagging.  By using several lasers throughout the visible spectrum, you can now excite a wide variety of fluorophores such as the ones shown in the figure below, increasing the number specific cell properties that you … Read More

How do DPSS lasers fill the ‘yellow gap’

iode lasers offer a vast range of wavelength options from the ultraviolet through the infrared.  But, there is still one glaring hole in the visible spectrum between 520 nm and 633 nm.  This region, which is often referred to as the “yellow gap,” results from the disparity between the upper range of InGaN diodes and the lower range in AlGaInP.  When most people talk about Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO4 DPSS lasers, they are very familiar with the main 1064 nm laser line, and for a good reason, since it is the most efficient tra… Read More

What is Laser Amplifier Noise?

Laser amplifiers are an invaluable tool because they allow for a laser’s power to be increased while maintaining its basic spectral properties. In principle laser amplifier noise is no different than the amplifier noise induced in an audio system, and just as in a home stereo system the quality of the amplifier will have a tremendous effect on the quality of output signal.  Therefore, in this post we will attempt to answer the question what is laser amplifier noise, and perhaps more importantly how amplifier noise can affect the overall performance of yo… Read More

HeNe Lasers: Bright Past, Brighter Future

The first HeNe laser was developed in 1960 at Bell Labs by Ali Javan, in conjunction with William Bennet Jr. and Donald Herriott. A helium–neon (HeNe) laser, is a type of continuously operating, or continuous wave (CW) gas laser in which the gain medium is a 10:1 mixture of helium and neon, pressurized within a glass tube. When a DC current is applied to two electrodes on opposite ends of the tube, helium atoms are excited into metastab… Read More

Fluorescence Imaging Laser Source: Multi-Wavelength Beam Combiners

Fluorescence imaging is a non-invasive imaging technique that utilizes the mechanism of fluorescence – matter emitting light of a particular wavelength after absorbing photons – which helps visualize biological processes taking place in a living organism. Tissues, cells, and their cellular structures are mostly water, making them transparent and difficult to view with traditiona… Read More

World’s Smallest OEM Laser Sources for Portable, Handheld Applications

We provide a huge range of configurations for the ‘World’s Smallest’ DPSS & Diode Lasers and Multi-Wavelength Combiners. The low cost, lightweight & ultra-compact footprint, USB power, and other features, make these lasers and multi-wavelength combiners perfect for any kind of portable, handheld applications, whether out in the field, or for efficient and convenient use in the lab, receiving center, incoming inspection, or anywhere you nee… Read More

New Dual-Wavelength Raman Probe Enhances Flexibility & Throughput

Raman Spectroscopy has become increasingly popular in recent years. With more demand for this application, some companies have strived to make advancements to the associated technology and hardware, in an effort to provide better results, more throughput, increased flexibility, and a reduction in total footprint of these devices. This Raman Probe provides great flexibility with configurable optics and advanced features like dual-wavelength capability using only one spe… Read More

Flow Cytometry: Application Basics, Source Requirements & Solutions

Flow cytometry is a method for simultaneously analyzing multiple physical properties of an individual cell as it flows through a beam of light in a fluid stream, including the cells size and fluorescence.  In practice, flow cytometry is essentially a combination of particle counting and fluorescence spectroscopy. By combining these two techniques flow cytometry can be employed in cell counting, cell sorting, biomarker detection, and protein engineering analyzing thousands of cells per second as they pass through the liqu… Read More

QCLs & New Low-Cost IR Sensors Open Door for Many OEM Opportunities

Driving a vehicle at night or during foggy conditions can be tricky and dangerous, where poor visibility can cause undue stress or even an accident. These conditions make it more difficult to see upcoming potential obstacles, especially if that obstacle is a deer in a field or a pedestrian in dark clothing at night. However, thanks to newer, more efficient, and cost-effective advancements, we could see more widespread deployment of LIDAR-based automotive detection and warning… Read More

Infrared Detection – THz Gap: QCLs Solve Unique Problems and Save You Time, Money, and Effort

Traditionally, long-wave infrared detectors have been costly, gallium arsenide- or indium phosphide-based detectors found in night vision cameras. While cheaper and easier to produce in volume, CMOS technology suffered from the so-called ‘THz gap’ or ‘far-infrared gap’ of the electromagnetic spectrum, unable to detect these long wavelengths. Today, an intriguing solution is becoming available in the form of a THz range CMOS detector for cost-effective, long-wave infrared … Read More

Industry Leading CW Laser Combiners: Critical for the Life Sciences

CW multi-wavelength combiners have proven to be a critical component in Life Science applications, reducing time, cost, and complexity, and fundamentally changing these applications, allowing for increased efficiency and ease of use. Given the immense degree of complexity and time involved with combining multiple laser beams into a confocal microscope, multi-wavelength combiner modules have flooded into the market in recent years. These plug-n-play style modules allow for swappable laser modules and quick and easy coupling with a confocal microscope, saving hours in precision alignmen… Read More

World’s First DPSS CW UV Laser Operating with Single Frequency @ 349nm

2020 has been a challenging year for everyone, but the outlook for 2021 is looking increasingly optimistic! Following a move into new premises, and a recent expansion in staff and production capacity, UniKlaser is delighted to announce their first new product release of the year; the Duetto 349 CW Single Frequency UV Laser System. The world’s first DPSS CW UV laser system operating with single frequency … Read More

World’s Smallest 4-Wavelength Combiner Gets Some Big Upgrades!

Integrated Optics, UAB has recently upgraded the World’s smallest 4-wavelength laser combiner. This new release is widely configurable and has a large selection of wavelengths and output types. A redesigned Break-out-Box (BoB) accessory provides more functionality and durability when used in scientific setups. SM and PM fiber coupling, with more than 50% fiber coupling efficiency, is finally available as well. You can select a maximum of 4 wavelengths from 405nm, 450nm, 488nm, 520nm, 638nm, 660nm, 785nm, 830nm, 850nm, 975nm, 1064nm. Further extensions into the infrared are in consideration for de… Read More

How Does Concatenation Enhance Raman Spectroscopy?

In this blog, the concept of “Raman Concatenation” is explained as a measurement technique utilized to overcome many of the previously outlined trade-offs. In general, many Raman measurements suffer from fluorescence, which forces the use of longer excitation wavelength (lower photon energy) lasers to prevent the fluorescence signal from overwhelming the Raman signal. However, this results in reduced sensitivity of low-cost silicon CCD detectors at higher wavenumbers, making it difficult (or impossible) to observe the “stretch” portion of the Raman spectra (i.e. 2000 – 4… Read More

Compact, Flexible, Field-upgradable LaserBoxx Multi-Wavelength Combiners

The LaserBoxx L6Cc and L4Cc laser beam combiner series, from Oxxius, is a compact and flexible all-in-one multi-color laser source. These fully integrated packages utilize a dichroic combining technique with up to 6 different diode and/or DPSS lasers and couples them into either a single output channel or two independent channels, which is often preferable when utilizing both ultraviolet and visible or infrared lasers in the same unit, and further output expansion modules enabling up to 4 separate fiber-couple… Read More

Light-sheet Microscopy: Why are Two Beams Better Than One?

In the past, we have published several different blogs and whitepapers relating to both Raman and fluorescent confocal microscopy.  Therefore, there is no need for us to repeat the basics here, so we will simply point out that while traditional confocal microscopes provide excellent spatial resolution, they do so at the trade-off of producing extremely large intensities at the… Read More

Automotive LIDAR

Over the past year, we here at RPMC Lasers have published several different pieces of technical content on various LIDAR applications.  Some of our more recent posts include a white paper titled “Single Frequency Fiber Lasers for Doppler LIDAR,” and a blog post on the use of aerial LIDAR in bathymetry.  LIDAR is quickly becoming one of the most rapidly growing sectors of the overall laser market.  In fact, Market Insider recently reported that “ The market for LIDAR is expected to grow double in size in the next five… Read More

Investment in the Future – Integrated Optics

RPMC Lasers, has partnered with Integrated Optics, for several years now, to provide our customers with high-quality compact diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) and diode laser modules.   In order to meet growing production demands, Integrated Optics recently made a 400,000 Euro (~450,000 USD) investment to update and expand their Industry 4.0-ready manufacturing capabilities.  Integrated Optics, founded in 2012 by Jonas Jonuška and Evaldas Pabrėža, is currently collaborating with the European Union to help fund this expansion and increase their current… Read More

Machine Vision For Inspection

Machine vision is defined as the substitution of the human visual senses and decision-making ability, by image acquisition and computer analysis to perform an inspection task.   This process is most commonly utilized as an active imaging technology to automate inspection and analysis for process control and robot guidance in industrial applications.  As automation has become more and more prevalent in the manufacturing sector, machine vision technology has rapidly grown into one of the largest markets for laser diodes around th… Read More

Flow Cytometry Review

Flow cytometry is a method for simultaneously analyzing multiple physical properties of an individual cell as it flows through a beam of light in a fluid stream, including the cells size and fluorescence.   In practice, flow cytometry is essentially a combination of particle counting and fluorescence spectroscopy.  Since we have written about both of these subjects in depth in the past, this blog will not spend very much time on the fundamentals of these two technologies instead you are recommended to read our previous blog post on Optical Particle Counting and our white paper on  Multi-Color Flu… Read More