495mW Lasers

What are 495mW Lasers?

Lasers that designate 495mW (0.495W) of output power can have either CW (continuous wave) or pulsed output. CW Lasers are always defined in average output power. Pulsed Lasers with an output power defined in Watts or Milliwatts usually define the laser’s average power, not the peak power of the laser.

Our 495mW Laser Products

RPMC provides a couple options for our 495mW pulsed DPSS laser configurations, available in NIR wavelengths.

If we do not list exactly what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact RPMC. We can often provide the right customization options to get you exactly what you need to meet your application specifications.

Filters Reset


Wavelength Selection

Power Selection





Q-SHIFT Series

Q-Shift SeriesThe Q-SHIFT series of Q-switched DPSS lasers is designed for researchers and application specialists working in micromachining, dermatology, LIDAR, time-resolved laser spectroscopy, and LIBS applications. With its built-in nonlinear wavelength conversion stage, this series can produce unconventional DPSS wavelengths: 1163, 1177, 1300, 1317, 1551 & 1571 nm. The optional harmonics generator can generate up to the 4th harmonic for each fundamental wavelength, providing even more versatility. This series can produce up to 40mJ/1W @ 1163nm with up to 100Hz repetition rate.