125 Nanosecond Lasers

On this page, we have a list of all of the 125 Nanosecond (ns) pulse width lasers offered by RPMC. If you don’t see a laser with the parameters needed, most of our lasers can be modified for your needs.

Three different parameters determine the output power of a pulsed laser; the laser’s pulse width, the pulse energy, and the pulse repetition rate.

See all of our Nanosecond Lasers.

If you need help selecting the best laser for your application, or defining the laser requirements for a specific application, please contact our product manager for assistance.

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Wavelength Selection

Power Selection

Energy Selection

Pulse Width Selection

Rep Rate Selection


Picture Part Number Type Wavelength (nm) Output power (W) Pulse energy (uJ) Pulse width Rep rate Q-switch type
Jenlas Fiber ns Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Pulsed Fiber Lasers 1085 Up to 100 W Up to 1.1 mJ 125ns Up to 200 kHz Active

Jenlas Fiber ns

The JenLas Fiber ns series is a versatile line of fiber lasers designed for OEM integrators, researchers, and applications specialists working with material processing applications. Available in 20, 30, 55, and 100W power configurations, this air-cooled laser series boasts reliable, industry-tested fiber laser technology and an adjustable pulse length. With pulse duration settings ranging from 50 to 200 nanoseconds and peak pulse powers of up to 8kW, this series offers improved performance and extended control capabilities, allowing for pulse repetition rates and pulse lengths to be changed by choosing different modes. The JenLas Fiber ns series is available with a complete set of customizable accessories, including laser controllers, beam expanders, and more.