5 Nanosecond Lasers

On this page, we have a list of all of the 5 Nanosecond (ns) pulse width lasers offered by RPMC. If you don’t see a laser with the parameters needed, most of our lasers can be modified for your needs.

Three different parameters determine the output power of a pulsed laser; the laser’s pulse width, the pulse energy, and the pulse repetition rate.

See all of our Nanosecond Lasers.

If you need help selecting the best laser for your application, or defining the laser requirements for a specific application, please contact our product manager for assistance.

Filters Reset


Wavelength Selection

Power Selection

Energy Selection

Pulse Width Selection

Rep Rate Selection



sleek, modern, light grey colored DPSS laser housingThe Q-DOUBLE series is a DPSS, air-cooled, q-switched laser at 1064 or 1053 nm, designed to produce two pulses with variable temporal separation for PIV, LIBS, and other applications. The Q-DOUBLE can be configured for up to 160 mJ pulse energy @ 10 Hz or up to 40 mJ @ 100 Hz. The innovative laser design integrates all electronics (except power adapter) into the housing, resulting in a compact, user-friendly, turnkey, and air-cooled (water-free) system requiring little maintenance. User-friendly web-based GUI allows remote monitoring, control, and support from any computer or even a smartphone. Optional add-ons include built-in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th harmonic generator, built-in attenuator, energy monitor, and optional short cavity version.

Q-TUNE Series


The Q-TUNE series is a highly efficient, air-cooled, tunable wavelength laser, providing up to 8mJ, shorter than 5ns pulses at up to 100Hz, designed for temporally resolved spectroscopy, metrology, photo-acoustic imaging, and remote sensing applications. This laser uses an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) to produce a tunable wavelength range of 410-2300 nm with a linewidth narrower than 6 cm-1, which can extend to 210-410 nm with an optional second harmonic generator. Options for air purging for UV optics, spectrometer, and fiber-coupled OPO output are also available.

Q2 Series

Quantas-Q2-1064: High Energy, Compact, Nanosecond, DPSS Laser

The Q2 series is a diode-pumped, air-cooled, Q-switched laser emitting at 1064 or 1053nm, designed for a wide range of applications that require high peak power pulses. The water-free end-pumping technology produces high peak powers and low divergence, enabling efficient harmonics conversion through the 5th harmonic (213 or 211nm). This versatile platform can be configured in many ways, including up to 80mJ pulse energy at 10 Hz pulse repetition rate or up to 20mJ at 100 Hz. In the short cavity configuration, pulse duration can be reduced by 50% compared to the standard configuration.