MicroMake Series

The MicroMake Series is a fully-integrated, compact, sub-ns DPSS laser micromachining system for high precision and resolution applications. A flexible platform at 532 & 266 nm, with >40 kW of peak power and processing speeds up to 100mm/second, the system includes all the needed devices for direct laser micro-processing in a single, monolithic, air-cooled configuration. Equipped with a live microscope, alignments and in-process quality checks are a breeze. All these features perfectly suit various materials utilized in microelectronic circuits, displays fabrication and correction, biomedical device machining and optical substrates microprocessing.

Picture Part Number Type Wavelength (nm) pa_output-power pa_rep-rate
MicroMake: Compact All-in-One Precision Micromachining System MicroMake Pulsed DPSS Lasers, High Peak Power, Turn-Key System 266, 532