MWIR Lasers: Pulsed and Laser Diodes

Image SWIR MWIR LWIR LaserWhat are MWIR Lasers?

MWIR Lasers or  Mid-Wavelength Infrared Lasers emit electromagnetic radiation (laser light) in the SWIR spectral region, which we define as being between ≈ 3 µm and ≈ 8 µm.

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Wedge Series

metal pulsed laser housing, gray metal, cooling fins, output port

The Wedge series of DPSS lasers is a rugged industrial solution, designed for seamless integration into OEM micromachining, LIDAR, and LIBS end-user systems. Based on proprietary fast Q-switching technology, this series is compact, sealed, and monolithic, making them insensitive to vibrations & harsh environments. High peak powers, relatively low energy, and low heat generation allow efficient ablation and non-linear interaction. Available from 266 nm to ≈ 3 µm, up to 4 mJ pulse energy @ 1064, and up to 4 MW peak power, the lightweight, air-cooled package benefits LIDAR and aerospace applications, while short pulses provide exact time-of-flight measurements. Many optional add-ons and customization options.

PowerMir Series

mirSense Product Family

The PowerMir series is a line of high-power, pulsed Quantum Cascade Lasers based on proprietary technology, available in wavelengths from 4-9 µm and either turnkey benchtop systems, OEM driver + laser module, HHL package, or chip. Our lasers operate in Quasi-Continuous Wave (QCW) mode, enhancing wall-plug efficiency and thermal dissipation. The PowerMir series is ITAR-free, featuring high-powered diodes that emit in the primary atmospheric transmission bands. Our lasers produce a circular TEM00 Gaussian beam for superior performance.

Q-TUNE-IR Series

Q-TUNE-IRThe Q-TUNE-IR series is the perfect high peak power, coherent DPSS light source for researchers with infrared spectroscopy applications. This series uses an Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) to produce a tunable wavelength of 1380–4500nm (<10 cm-1 linewidth), achieving > 15mJ of pulse energy at the peak of the tuning curve. The Q-TUNE-IR requires little maintenance, with all laser electronics integrated into the housing, including an air-cooling system, eliminating the need for chillers or large power supplies while providing a guaranteed > 2 G shot pump diode lifetime.