Material Processing & Surface Modification Lasers

What are Material Processing & Surface Modification Lasers?

Material Processing lasers are advanced tools that utilize the power of focused laser light (typically pulsed) to modify and transform various types of materials. Material processing lasers can perform tasks such as cutting, engraving, drilling, marking, micromachining, and non-thermal ablation with precision and efficiency. The versatility and high degree of control offered by these lasers make them indispensable tools for achieving intricate and complex material alterations, contributing to advancements in technology and enhancing industrial processes.

Surface Modification lasers are specialized tools used to alter the properties and characteristics of various materials at the surface level, typically utilizing pulsed lasers. These lasers utilize precise energy deposition to induce physical or chemical changes in the targeted material, resulting in desired modifications. There are several techniques employed in surface modification and treatment, each with its own laser system and methodology. Some common examples include texturing, peening, and marking applications.

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Material Processing & Surface Modification Laser Applications

Cutting/Drilling Lasers: Laser cutting and drilling is a process in which q-switched lasers (typically high power, ns pulsed) are used to thermally ablate material to form holes and cuts in various materials, including metals, polymers, ceramics, and more. In both laser cutting and drilling the primary objective is to remove material, and as such, the vaporized material must be allowed to outgas, so that is don’t interfere with the process allowing for precise cuts.

Micromachining Lasers: Laser micromachining is a collection of processes involving sub-millimeter machining of small parts or features on a material using precise and controlled techniques. This subtractive (material removal) process typically involves using specialized micromachining lasers (typically ps or fs pulsed, UV green & IR) to cut, drill, ablate, or otherwise shape materials with accuracy and precision.

Non-Thermal Ablation Lasers: Non-thermal ablation, often performed using ultrafast lasers, is an advanced method employed to remove material with exceptional precision and minimal heat-induced damage. This technique relies on ultra-short laser pulses (typically ps or fs pulsed) which deliver an intense burst of energy in a fraction of a second, removing material through non-thermal or cold ablation.

Thin Film Removal Lasers: Laser thin film removal is the process of selectively ablating a very thin layer of material from a substrate, and is widely used on silicon, glass, ceramics, plastics, and metals. These lasers are generally short-pulsed (typically fs, ps or even ns pulsed UV green & IR, high quality TEM00 beam) with the ability to operate at high repetition rates to allow for sufficient pulse overlap at high processing speeds without damaging the substrate.

Marking Lasers: Laser marking is a process of creating permanent marks or patterns on a material’s surface using laser technology. Unlike traditional marking methods like ink printing or engraving, laser marking offers advantages such as high precision, durability, non-contact processing, and the ability to mark a wide range of materials. Laser marking lasers are specifically designed lasers used for the marking process (typically ns or ps pulsed q-switched).

Texturing Lasers: Laser texturing involves engraving the negative image of an intricate design into a mold to produce an end product with a raised decorative patterned surface, allowing molded parts to mimic the look of leather, wood, and other materials. Laser engraving (typically ns or ps pulsed with high quality TEM00 beam) the interior of the mold instead of chemically etching it eliminates the need for hazardous, corrosive chemicals and allows for a completely digitized process.

Recommended Laser Series

We recommend the following laser series for Material Processing & Surface Modification applications. There can often be a ton of options and many variables. Contact us today for help finding the perfect laser for your specific application!

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Aero Series

The Aero Series is a high-energy, nanosecond pulsed DPSS laser, available at 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, with up to 10W output power at 1064 (up to 200 mJ with water-cooling). This series provides unparalleled precision and accuracy in even the most challenging environments, ideal for LIBS, spectroscopy, and atmospheric LIDAR applications. All models come enclosed in an air-cooled, extremely compact and ruggedized, thermo-mechanically stable, low SWaP single unit platform, with options for air- or water-cooling, a range of add-ons, and even complete customization to fit your exact needs. Upon request, customized models undergo severe vibration and qualification tests for operation in space.

Halite 2 Series

The Halite 2 series is a compact, single-box, all-fiber femtosecond laser designed to meet the most demanding applications in neuroscience, biophotonics, microscopy, and engineering. With pulses as short as <250 fs (< 100 fs op.), average power over 2 W at 1030 nm, and the option of second harmonic at 515 nm, it is an irreplaceable tool in every lab that needs a reliable, turn-key, ultrafast light source. Thanks to its unique construction and SESAM-free technology, it is a cost-effective solution that provides high pulse energy (over 100 nJ), excellent beam quality, and easy integration.

Iris Series

rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing

The Iris Series is a line of low SWaP, air-cooled, nanosecond pulsed DPSS lasers at 447nm (blue) and 671nm (red), designed for air-to-ground & air-to-sea LIDAR, aerosol detection, and communications (blue wavelength’s exhibit high transmission through water and clouds), medical applications, and special marking applications. The Iris Series offers powerful and flexible lasers. With adjustable pulse width (15-50 ns) and rep. rate (50-100 kHz), an easily integrated, compact, all-in-one design, and optional add-ons, these lasers are ready to tackle demanding applications.

Jasper Series

The Jasper series is a diverse set of high-performance femtosecond fiber lasers providing different solutions based on a standard technology. The series includes the high-power Jasper X0 (200 µJ pulse energy / 60 W average power), the compact Jasper Micro (5 µJ pulse energy / 7 W average power) in a space-saving design, and the Jasper Flex for microprocessing (30 µJ pulse energy). Each model provides a fast warm-up time, long-term stability, and hands-free operation. Whether you need high power, compactness, or specific processing capabilities, the Jasper series has a solution.

JDL Series

Unmounted Laser Diodes Unpackaged Laser Diodes - gold bars laid out on a grid in a black gel pak

The JDL series offers industry-leading custom high-power unmounted laser diode bars in the 760-1070 nm spectral region. Our unmounted laser diode bars are available in a wide range of emitter configurations, cavity lengths, and CW or QCW operational modes. We offer low fill factor bars suitable for fiber coupling, high-power bars up to 300W for CW or hard-pulse industrial DDL applications, and QCW bars up to 500W for QCW or long-pulse optical pumping and medical applications. With full customization options including custom designed epitaxial wafer structures, you’re sure to get the perfect solution for your needs.

Jenlas Fiber ns

The JenLas Fiber ns series is a versatile line of fiber lasers designed for OEM integrators, researchers, and applications specialists working with material processing applications. Available in 20, 30, 55, and 100W power configurations, this air-cooled laser series boasts reliable, industry-tested fiber laser technology and an adjustable pulse length. With pulse duration settings ranging from 50 to 200 nanoseconds and peak pulse powers of up to 8kW, this series offers improved performance and extended control capabilities, allowing for pulse repetition rates and pulse lengths to be changed by choosing different modes. The JenLas Fiber ns series is available with a complete set of customizable accessories, including laser controllers, beam expanders, and more.

JOLD-Open Heatsinks Series

various brass or gold colored laser diode bar/array housings

The JOLD-Open Heatsinks Series offers industry-leading, reliable, and cost-effective high-power free-space single-laser-bar packages based on passively or actively cooled heat sinks in the 760-1070 nm range. Our proprietary heat sink and assembly technology, paired with our focus on advanced optical pumping and direct-diode-laser technology, results in diode lasers with unmatched performance including optical output power, electro-optical (EO) efficiency, and lifetime. This series offers options from 792 nm up to 1035 nm, and average output powers up to 300 W CW with passive cooling.

Lampo Series

Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickersThe Lampo Series is a line of compact ultrafast lasers that deliver megawatt-level ps laser pulses at a selectable PRR from 50 kHz to 40 MHz. Available in IR (1064 nm), SHG (532 nm), and Deep-UV (266 nm) versions (355nm by request), the series offers pulse durations < 70 ps and average power up to 20W, 10W, and 1.5W respectively. With pulse energy up to 250uJ, 150uJ, and 30uJ, these lasers are ideal for a wide range of scientific, industrial, defense, medical, biological, and LIDAR applications. Built into a rugged, air-cooled single-unit laser head, these lasers are easy to operate and integrate, making them a valuable tool for sophisticated laser systems and lab applications.

MicroMake Series

The MicroMake Series is a fully-integrated, compact, sub-ns DPSS laser micromachining system for high precision and resolution applications. A flexible platform at 532 & 266 nm, with >40 kW of peak power and processing speeds up to 100mm/second, the system includes all the needed devices for direct laser micro-processing in a single, monolithic, air-cooled configuration. Equipped with a live microscope, alignments and in-process quality checks are a breeze. All these features perfectly suit various materials utilized in microelectronic circuits, displays fabrication and correction, biomedical device machining and optical substrates microprocessing.

neoMOS Series

neoMOS 700fsThe neoMOS ultrashort pulse laser series is a reliable, low-maintenance system designed for 24/7 industrial use. The ultra-compact laser head has the smallest footprint available and can be customized for a range of laser parameters, allowing easy integration and flexibility with various demanding processing applications, including glasses and plastics. It offers pulse widths from 700fs to 70ps, repetition rates from single-shot to 80MHz, up to 500µJ pulse energy, average output powers up to 100W, multi-megawatt peak powers, and perfect TEM00 beam quality @ 1064nm.

neoAMP Series

neoVAN - DPSS Amplifier The neoAMP series includes the neoVAN and neoYb DPSS laser amplifiers, designed to boost the average power or pulse energy for various applications. The flexible system design ensures high scalability, and the ultra-compact modules are easy to integrate into existing processing or scientific systems. The neoVAN and neoYb amplifiers are highly reliable and offer proven long-term stability, enabling a range of applications that include high peak power, short pulse picosecond lasers for micromachining, or single-frequency radiation for gravitational wave detection.

Nps Series

image of a sleek tunable laser platform

The NPS series of ultrafast, picosecond pulsed, narrowband lasers combine the air-cooled compactness & ruggedness of fiber lasers with the spectral purity of the DPSS design, providing the ultimate solution for OEM integrators and researchers working with nonlinear optics applications like OPO pumping and narrowband Raman spectroscopy. These lasers are available at 355, 532, and 1064nm (tunable option from 750-1800nm), with up to 10W average output power, 7ps pulse width, and are passively q-switched up to 80MHz rep. rate. The transform-limited operation, with a narrow spectral width of <0.1nm, and accurate central wavelengths make these lasers a suitable candidate for highly efficient amplification. Optional add-ons and customization available.

Onda Series

Onda 532nm: 532nm High Energy Laser

The Onda series is a DPSS nanosecond OEM industrial laser solution, designed for high-end applications requiring excellent beam quality and high peak power in metals, glass, plastics, and various delicate and hard materials. This compact, air-cooled, and easy-to-use single unit laser series allows for straightforward integration, is available in wavelengths of 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, and provides a superior performance to cost ratio. The Onda series’ internal optical layout and accurate temperature management enable high output energies without compromising the lifetime of the THG and FHG stages. Many optional add-ons and customization options.

One Series

One-1030-100: 1030nm Miniature Q-Switched Laser

The One Series is an ultra-compact, rugged, versatile, nanosecond pulsed (up to 200µJ), passive q-switch laser series designed for OEM integrators and application specialists working with industrial and portable applications. These lasers provide sufficient peak power for extremely high-quality metal & plastic marking in compact & portable marking systems or for airborne LIDAR. With its compact & efficient contact-cooled package, attractive pricing, optional CW operation with up to 4 W average power, and configurable options & add-ons, this 1030nm series offers easy, flexible integration possibilities and exceptional, cost-effective performance for a range of applications.


sleek, modern, light grey colored DPSS laser housingThe Q-DOUBLE series is a DPSS, air-cooled, q-switched laser at 1064 or 1053 nm, designed to produce two pulses with variable temporal separation for PIV, LIBS, and other applications. The Q-DOUBLE can be configured for up to 160 mJ pulse energy @ 10 Hz or up to 40 mJ @ 100 Hz. The innovative laser design integrates all electronics (except power adapter) into the housing, resulting in a compact, user-friendly, turnkey, and air-cooled (water-free) system requiring little maintenance. User-friendly web-based GUI allows remote monitoring, control, and support from any computer or even a smartphone. Optional add-ons include built-in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th harmonic generator, built-in attenuator, energy monitor, and optional short cavity version.


Quantas-Q-SPARK-266: High energy, compact, nanosecond, DPSS laser

The Q-SPARK series is an air-cooled, diode-pumped, Q-switched laser designed for researchers and application specialists working with ablation, LIDAR, remote sensing, and LIBS applications. The laser produces sub-nanosecond or nanosecond pulses with peak power up to 20 MW and pulse energies up to 20 mJ, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. With a short pulse (<800 ps to <2 ns), compact air-cooled package, and innovative water-free laser crystal end-pumping technology, the Q-SPARK series delivers high-quality, low divergence, Gaussian-like laser beams.

Q-TUNE-HR Series

sleek, modern, light grey colored OPO & DPSS laser housingThe Q-TUNE-HR series is a high repetition rate OPO producing a tunable wavelength range from ≈ 750 – 1800 nm and up to 100 kHz pulse repetition rate, the perfect coherent light source for micromachining, Raman spectroscopy, microscopy, and remote sensing applications. Q-TUNE-HR requires an external pump source with > 350 μJ pulse energy and 5 – 7 ns FWHM pulse duration @ 532 nm for operation: pulse repetition rate can be in 10 – 100 kHz range and acceptable pump power in the 3.5 – 30 W range. By default OPO is optimized to produce maximum output in 1200 – 1800 nm range (optional: 750 – 950 nm). In addition to the tunable range, the pump laser wavelength is accessible through a convenient bypass port.

Q1 Series

Quantas-Q1-211: High energy, compact, nanosecond, DPSS laser

The Q1 series is a compact, energy-efficient, diode pumped, air-cooled, Q-switched laser available with up to 32 mJ at 1064 or 40 mJ at 1053nm @ 10 Hz, and rep rates up to 50Hz. The high peak powers and low divergence of the Q1 series enable efficient harmonic conversion through the 5th harmonic (213 or 211nm). The innovative design results in a user-friendly, turnkey system that requires little maintenance, and the laser’s variable pulse repetition rate and built-in sync pulse generator provide flexibility for triggering user equipment.

Q2 Series

Quantas-Q2-1064: High Energy, Compact, Nanosecond, DPSS Laser

The Q2 series is a diode-pumped, air-cooled, Q-switched laser emitting at 1064 or 1053nm, designed for a wide range of applications that require high peak power pulses. The water-free end-pumping technology produces high peak powers and low divergence, enabling efficient harmonics conversion through the 5th harmonic (213 or 211nm). This versatile platform can be configured in many ways, including up to 80mJ pulse energy at 10 Hz pulse repetition rate or up to 20mJ at 100 Hz. In the short cavity configuration, pulse duration can be reduced by 50% compared to the standard configuration.

Q2HE Series

Quantas-Q2HE: High energy, compact, nanosecond, DPSS laser

The Q2HE series is a highenergy, q-switched, DPSS laser series, available in either 1053nm or 1064nm fundamental wavelengths, with optional 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th harmonic generation. This air-cooled series of lasers is designed for a wide range of applications that require high peak power pulses. Due to a short laser cavity, excellent thermal properties of the crystal, and an innovative water-free crystal cooling technology, the Q2HE series can deliver up to 120mJ of pulse energy and/or up to 5W average output power. This advanced laser design results in a compact, user-friendly turnkey system that requires little maintenance.  

Microchip Series

Bright Microlaser Microchip SB1 Laser

The Microchip series is a line of ultra-compact, single longitudinal mode (SLM), narrow linewidth, passive q-switch, ns/ps pulsed DPSS lasers. Offering exceptional performance and versatility in a compact form factor, every model is 1:1 interchangeable, regardless of wavelength. The lasers feature pulse widths from 400 ps to 2 ns, pulse energy up to 80 µJ, and repetition rates up to 100 kHz. Available in wavelengths from the UV to the NIR, this series is designed for LIDAR, 3D scanning, LIBS, night vision, and more.

SOL Series

simple, compact OEM pulsed laser housing with cooling fan and f-theta lens

The SOL series is the most compact, air-cooled, Q-switched DPSS nanosecond industrial laser solution available with output power up to 60W @ 1064nm, designed for thin film removal, marking, and PCB repair applications. With its excellent beam quality, high peak power, wavelength options (1064, 532 & 355 nm), PRR from single shot up to 200 kHz, optional CW configuration, customization options, and a wide range of add-ons, this series is an excellent solution for OEM integrators, application specialists, and researchers. With attractive pricing (especially volume pricing) and a rugged, compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use single-unit design, the SOL laser is easy to integrate into any system, providing superior operational flexibility and performance/cost ratio.

VaryDisk Series

The VaryDisk Series is a versatile family of thin-disk laser systems that provide high pulse energies at high average powers and are suitable for lab or industrial use. These thin-disk regenerative amplifiers offer a range of output specifications to fit various application needs. The base configurations provide 25 W average power with 2.5 mJ pulse energy @ 343 nm (THG), 50 W and 5 mJ @ 515 nm (SHG), and 100W and 100 mJ @ 1030 nm.

Vento Series

clean, modern, silver colored OEM DPSS Laser housing

The Vento series is a compact and ruggedized sub-nanosecond MOPA laser series, providing fully tailored solutions, whether operating in a clean, scientific laboratory or in harsh industrial machining or airborne LIDAR application environments, requiring a low SWaP configuration. With pulse durations down to 500 ps and repetition rates up to 200 kHz, this laser series produces a high average power of up to 50 W @ 532 nm and up to 100 W @ 1064 nm. Choose from many options including beam expanding & collimating options, low jitter options, air- or water-cooling, an industrial or up to IP68 protected package, and more options, depending on your requirements.

Wedge Series

metal pulsed laser housing, gray metal, cooling fins, output port

The Wedge series of DPSS lasers is a rugged industrial solution, designed for seamless integration into OEM micromachining, LIDAR, and LIBS end-user systems. Based on proprietary fast Q-switching technology, this series is compact, sealed, and monolithic, making them insensitive to vibrations & harsh environments. High peak powers, relatively low energy, and low heat generation allow efficient ablation and non-linear interaction. Available from 266 nm to ≈ 3 µm, up to 4 mJ pulse energy @ 1064, and up to 4 MW peak power, the lightweight, air-cooled package benefits LIDAR and aerospace applications, while short pulses provide exact time-of-flight measurements. Many optional add-ons and customization options.