SOL Series
The SOL series is the most compact, air-cooled, Q-switched DPSS nanosecond industrial laser solution available with output power up to 40W @ 1064nm, designed for thin film removal, marking, and PCB repair applications. With its excellent beam quality, high peak power, wavelength options (1064, 532 & 355 nm), PRR from single shot up to 200 kHz, optional CW configuration, customization options, and a wide range of add-ons, this series is an excellent solution for OEM integrators, application specialists, and researchers. With attractive pricing (especially volume pricing) and a rugged, compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use single-unit design, the SOL laser is easy to integrate into any system, providing superior operational flexibility and performance/cost ratio.
Picture | Part Number | Type | Wavelength (nm) | pa_output-power | pa_pulse-energy | pa_pulse-width | pa_rep-rate |
SOL | Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ruggedized, Adjustable Rep Rate, High Pulse Energy, High Peak Power | 355, 532, 1064 |